Hrabre žene: Ponosne na strije, celulit i smežuranu kožu!

by | jul 31, 2015

Predstavljamo vam Instagram profil na kojem žene s ponosom pokazuju svoje strije, svoj celulit i otkrivaju životnu priču i načine na koje su ih „zaradile“!

Strije, celulit, smežurana koža – svi ih imamo, pa zbog čega je krijemo? Zbog čega je se stidimo? Zbog čega je smatramo ružnom, kada smo je s mukom zaradile?

Dve mame, Erika Salazar i Aleks Smit pokrenule su kampanju „Voli svoje linije“ tako što su otvorile profile na društvenim mrežama na kojima objavljuju crno-bele fotografije žena i njihove životne priče.

Kako kažu, to su obične žene, realna tela svake od njih i njihova prava lepota. I ženama se kampanja dopala. Instagram profil koji su otvorile sada ima oko 150.000 pratilaca!

So I’ve been hating my body ever since Mya was born. My stomach didn’t go flat, like I imagined it would. My stretch marks didn’t go away, like everyone told me they would. My pregnancy line hasn’t fully gone away, like everyone said it would. I will never have the perfect body that I used to have and I’m starting to accept that. My body stretched and stretched until it could no more. I have such deep stretch marks that will never go away. Maybe they’ll fade with time but they will always be there. I am starting to love my lines because it shows that I carried my beautiful baby girl for 9+ months in my belly. I’m lucky enough to be able to have this ability to do so. Not all women can have children and I am very blessed with that gift. Mya is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Everyone has their scars and stories to tell, so embrace and learn to love them too. Just incase you think this picture is disgusting or disturbing you should think before you say anything because my body created this beautiful little girl who’s growing perfectly. submission from: tearknee22 A photo posted by #loveyourlines (loveyourlines) on

„Sve je počelo kroz naš prijateljski razgovor o samoprihvatanju izgleda tela. Tako je rođen „Voli svoje linije“ i porastao je u nešto fenomenalno“, kaže Smit. Uz svaku fotografiju ide i priča, da li su strije došle s trudnoćom, celulit od celodnevnog sedenja na poslu i slično.

another STUNNING #loveyourlines submission. we love this! xo

A photo posted by #loveyourlines (loveyourlines) on

„mother of one and wanting more.“ || #loveyourlines submission via kaileebirdybird

A photo posted by #loveyourlines (loveyourlines) on

#loveyourlines submission: Para mi bebé, Una marca por cada vez que respiraste, por cada abrir y cerrar de ojo, por cada bostezo, por cada vez que te chupaste el dedo, una marca por cada vez que su mano dijo „hola“. Una marca por cada vez que cerraste los ojos y dormiste en la mas perfecta oscuridad, una marca para cada vez que te dio hipo, una marca por cada sueño que soñaste dentro de mi … Mi vientre ya no es hermoso y algunos dicen que es feo, pero está bien, esa era tu casa, aquí fue donde creciste y te protegí para amarte y cuidarte, era el lugar donde pose mi mano mientras pensaba como eras y que llegarias a ser hasta que pude tenerte en mis brazos. Por eso siempre encontraré algo bello en ellas, ya que cada estría lo merece y mi regalo más grande fue darte vida!

A photo posted by #loveyourlines (loveyourlines) on

„I cry when I look at this picture because it brings so much emotion to me. I hate my body & the way it looks because of course I don’t have that beach bod or that tight skin that doesn’t have any mark on it. But Then I look at Emma and all I feel is my heart flutter with love. I realize because of those marks, those lines. I have the biggest blessing God has ever given me. Someone I wanted & Loved from day one. She is the light of my eye. The reason my days feel complete. I love being a Mom to My Princess 24/7 & no matter how tired or sick I am, I will take care of you with a smile on my face. You make me whole. Today you turn 7 months, So may God bless you today, tomorrow & everyday after that. You are my life, You are my heart walking outside my body. I love you & thank you for helping me understand that there is beauty in my lines. Mommy loves you Emma.“ #loveyourlines submission via mrs_gil

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